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Hot air balloon rides to attract tourists

Melaka plans to offer hot air balloon rides as part of the state’s tourism attraction.— Filepic
Melaka plans to offer hot air balloon rides as part of the state’s tourism attraction.— Filepic

MELAKA: The state plans to offer hot air balloon services as part of the state’s tourism attractions, said Melaka Economic Planning Unit (EPU).

It said Myballoon Adventure Sdn Bhd (MBA) was planning to offer the services based on the uniqueness of Melaka city and its proximity to Kuala Lumpur.

“This hot air balloon rides can be a new attraction for the tourism sector where tourists can enjoy the views from the air.

“The state government supports this programme and hopes it will help the state reach the target of 20 million tourists in conjunction with Visit Melaka Year 2019,” it said in a statement.

Read more : The star

Hot air balloonists take to skies of Malaysian city during annual fiesta

 A hot air balloon flies during the 10th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta at Putrajaya, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mar. 28, 2019. EPA-EFE/FAZRY ISMAIL
A hot air balloon in the shape of clown from Slovakia flies near a buillding during the 10th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta at Putrajaya, outside Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Mar. 28, 2019. EPA-EFE/FAZRY ISMAIL

Kuala Lumpur, Mar 28 (efe-epa).- A four-day international hot-air balloon event kicked off near Malaysia’s capital on Thursday, with a motley collection of about 20 colorful balloons providing sky-scanners with an unusual sight, an epa-efe photojournalist reported.

The eye-catching balloons could be spotted floating over the streets of Putrajaya – located just about 35 kilometers (22 miles) to the south of Kuala Lumpur – as part of the 10th annual Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.

“I’m happy to see the young generation enjoying hot air balloons as I did when I first started, too,” the fiesta’s chairman, Mohammad Sobri Saad, had said at the event’s press launch on Feb. 25.

Balloonists stemming from 14 different countries around the world cranked up the heat to lift off their billowing airships in a bid to snag the coveted Rudy Trophy.

The trophy – named in honor of the fiesta’s late co-founder, Captain Khairudin Abd Rani – is awarded to the winner of a special competition requiring precision skills.

It involves a “hare” balloon first flying off on its own and landing at a specific spot before laying out a large piece of fabric that is targeted by the other aeronauts (“hounds”), who attempt to drop markers as close to the bullseye as possible.

This year’s fiesta also debuted a balloon “igloo” created by Spanish artist Jordi Enrique by recycling old balloons.

Over the upcoming weekend, the igloo was set to serve as a canvass for a light and motion show that promised to dazzle visitors after sunset.

The balloons come in a variety of shapes and sizes: this year, they include a sinister-looking clown from Slovakia, a caped teddy bear from Taiwan, a pink elephant from Belgium and a heart emblazoned with the word “Happy” from Japan.

According to Malaysia’s Islamic Tourism Center, for the first time in the event’s history, attendees this year would be offered “free-flying” balloon rides organized by the Asian country’s only commercial hot air balloon company, MyBalloon Adventure. They also have the option to mount tethered balloons thanks to the MyBalloon Club.

The ITC added that it was also bringing back the “Night Glow” spectacle, in which brightly-lit balloons dance across the night sky in sync to music blaring out of loudspeakers scattered through the area.

As their name suggests, hot air balloons are able to defy gravity through a simple physical principle: heating the air inside the fabric bag (technically called an envelope) makes it less dense than the colder air outside.

When a pilot wants to make the airship descend, he or she just needs to allow the air within the envelope to cool, although steering is limited to climbing up or down into winds, which determine the balloon’s direction.

Modern balloons can be traced back to unmanned Chinese sky lanterns that were first used in the 3rd century AD for military signaling and applied the same lighter-than-air technique.

But it was the history-making contraption developed by the French brothers Jacques-Étienne and Joseph-Michel Montgolfier in the 1780s that constitutes the blueprint for the manned balloons used today.

A decade after its first edition, the Putrajaya fiesta continues to delight visitors free of any admission fees.

Full article : news4europe

My Balloon Adventure Putrajaya ini ideal kalau anda mahu kenangan best bersama tersayang

Harga tiketnya bukan murah. Tetapi ia lengkap dengan sajian makan untuk berdua sebelum dan selepas anda di udara.

Kalau di Istanbul, naik belon panas mungkin benda biasa. Tapi kalau di Malaysia, ini antara tempat menarik Malaysia yang boleh buat anda rasa macam di oversea.

Ia dibawakan oleh team yang sama yang menganjurkan Fiesta Belon Udara Panas Putrajaya. Jadi anda tidak perlu gusar tentang kebolehan pilotnya mengendalikan belon udara panas ini.

balloon adventure

Sekarang anda tak perlu lagi ke Eropah atau Istanbul untuk merasai keseronokan berada di dalam belon udara. Sebab ianya sudah tiba ke Malaysia.

Read more: JomJalan

10th Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta

Published on 25 February 2019

By Mark Ryan Raj

PUTRAJAYA, Feb 25 — The 10th Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2019 is set to return this year with an collection of hot air balloons and other aviation sports.

And the good news is it is a free-for-all event.

It will be held at Precinct 2, Putrajaya from March 28 to March 31.

There will be 20 hot air balloons from 14 countries set to make an appearance this year.

Every morning of the fiesta will also see balloonists competing in a special competition — the “Rudy’s Trophy” named after the late-fiesta chairman and co-founder, Captain Khairudin Abd Rani.

One pre-determined balloon known as the “hare” will take off first, with the other balloons known as “hounds” following it soon after.

The “hare” will then land and lay out a large piece of fabric at the landing spot with the “hounds” attempting to drop markers as close to the centre of the fabric as possible.

Besides that, the fiesta will also be having a new attraction this year with the balloon igloo.

Definitely, not something you see every day.

The igloo is a product of Spanish artist Jordi Enrique who made it out of recycled hot air balloons.

The igloo will also be used to showcase a light and motion show from 7pm to 10pm during the weekend of the event. Other than just merely watching and admiring these gigantic balloons, visitors can look forward to a host of activities at the event.

For example, the MyBalloonClub will be offering tethered hot air balloon rides and MyBalloon Adventure, Malaysia’s only first and only commercial hot air balloon company, will be offering free-flying balloon rides during the event. Something that visitors have been eagerly hoping for ever since the event first started 10 years ago.

Fiesta chairman Mohammad Sobri Saad, in a press release, said he was happy to see the younger generation enjoy the balloons over the years.

The Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2019, will be bringing back the highly anticipated “Night Glow,” where hot air balloons light up the sky in a synchronised manner to the sounds of music.

For more information about the fiesta log on to or head over to their social media pages to find out more: Facebook, Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta or Instagram, @mybaloonfiesta.

Source – The Malay Mail

Naik belon bila-bila masa

oleh Suliati Asri

Bertemankan angin sepoi-sepoi bahasa, sedikit demi sedikit gondola yang dinaiki terapung di udara. Terasa tubuh makin tinggi dari permukaan bumi.

Ada kalanya gas yang mengeluarkan api untuk menegangkan belon mencetuskan bahang panas, namun pemandangan yang disajikan di kala itu menyejukkan suasana.

Takut? Sudah semestinya walaupun ia bukan penerbangan kali pertama buat penulis. Namun, keindahan panorama pagi nan indah di Putrajaya dari udara cukup mengujakan.

Hati terpesona melihat keindahan secara terbuka pada jarak ketinggian maksimum yang mampu dicapai belon udara panas.

Saat sudah berada di udara, sinaran matahari pagi yang memancar ketika itu secara tidak langsung memberikan perasaan damai dan tenang yang tidak dapat digambarkan dengan kata-kata.

Bagai seekor burung yang sedang terbang, keseronokan melayang di udara pasti mengujakan ibarat hidup bebas tanpa ada yang menghalang.

Kecekapan kapten yang mengendalikan belon udara panas itu juga mengujakan tatkala melihat cara dia menerbangkan belon itu.

Itulah yang dirasai penulis ketika diberi peluang merasai sendiri penerbangan selama 45 minit menaiki belon udara panas di Putrajaya dan Cyberjaya, baru-baru ini.

Sebelum ini, belon udara panas hanya dilihat terbang di ruang udara Putrajaya sekitar Mac setiap tahun sempena Fiesta Belon Udara Panas.

Kini, atas permintaan ramai yang ingin merasai pengalaman manis bersiar-siar di udara, MyBalloon Advanture melancarkan penerbangan harian belon udara panas sejak November 2015.

Pengarah MyBalloon Adventure Izzati Khairudin berkata, banyak maklum balas diterima pihaknya bertanyakan mengenai penerbangan harian belon udara panas selain ketika Fiesta Belon Udara Panas.

Bagi memberi peluang kepada orang ramai merasai sendiri pengalaman bersiar-siar di udara, penerbangan harian belon udara panas diperkenalkan MyBalloon Adventure.

“Ketika Fiesta Belon Udara Panas Putrajaya, pengunjung ditawar merasai sendiri pengalaman terbang tetapi bilangannya terhad.

“Berikutan permintaan ramai dan MyBalloon Advanture sendiri mempunyai Sijil Operasi Udara (AOC) daripada Jabatan Penerbangan Awan, kami melancarkan penerbangan harian ini,” katanya.

Penerbangan harian ini juga diperkenalkan bagi mengembangkan lagi industri belon udara panas di Malaysia selain menjadikan negara sebagai destinasi pengangkutan itu.

“Malaysia destinasi pelancongan yang cukup terkenal di dunia. Ramai pelancong datang untuk bercuti termasuk di Putrajaya.

“Dengan adanya penerbangan belon udara panas, makin ramai pelancong datang untuk merasai pengalaman itu.

“Ia secara tidak langsung turut mempromosikan Malaysia sebagai destinasi belon udara panas yang unik kerana ia terapung di tengah pusat pentadbiran negara, bukannya di kawasan lapang seperti di kebanyakan tempat,” katanya.

Terbang setiap hari jika cuaca mengizinkan, MyBaloon Adventure menawarkan empat pilihan pakej iaitu Standard (RM850), Full Board (RM1,000), Premium (RM1,150) dan Private Flight (RM3,400 ke atas).

“Setiap pakej disertakan dengan minum pagi sebelum penerbangan, selepas mendarat dan sesi sarapan di Cyberview Resort and Spa Hotel serta sijil,” katanya yang merancang menawarkan penerbangan harian di Melaka dan Pulau Pinang.

Pakej yang ditawarkan MyBallon Adventure bermula di Presint 2 Putrajaya apabila penumpang disajikan minum pagi ringkas dan sesi taklimat keselamatan sementara menunggu belon udara panas siap untuk diterbangkan.

Sepanjang penerbangan yang mengambil masa 45 minit hingga sejam mengikut keadaan angin, penumpang akan dibawa melihat keindahan Putrajaya yang sememangnya terkenal dengan reka bentuk bangunan unik.

Penumpang turut berpeluang melihat keunikan susun atur, jalan terancang serta jambatan yang memiliki keunikan tersendiri.

Apabila berada di udara, selain melihat pemandangan dan merasai sendiri pengalaman terbang dengan belon udara panas, penumpang juga berpeluang belajar dan melihat sendiri bagaimana kapten mengendalikannya.

Sampai di kawasan mendarat, perlahan-lahan kapten mula bersiap sedia. Apabila gondola sudah menjejak tanah, perasaan puas cukup terasa kerana berjaya mendarat dengan selamat.

Sebaik mendarat, penumpang disajikan minuman sejuk dan tuala basah. Menerusi penerbangan ini, penumpang bukan hanya dibawa terbang dan melihat pemandangan indah tetapi turun melihat belon udara panas itu di kempis dan dilipat.

Ini kerana penumpang digalak turut sama melipat dan memasukkan belon udara panas yang siap dilipat ke dalam bekasnya.

Selesai semuanya, penumpang dihidangkan dengan air soda berperisa epal sambil mendengar penerangan mengenai sejarah penerbangan pertama belon udara panas yang terbang kali pertama pada 21 November 1783.

Sesi penerbangan pagi itu diakhiri dengan sarapan di Cyberview Resort and Spa Hotel dan penyampaian sijil yang menjadi bukti penumpang sudah terbang bersama belon udara panas itu.

Sementara itu, pasangan penyanyi Mizz Nina dan Noh Salleh turut teruja menaiki belon udara panas.

“Ini kali pertama saya menaiki belon udara panas ini dan ia cukup mendamaikan.

“Dengan pemandangan yang cantik, ia nyata pengalaman yang mengujakan dan dalam pada masa sama memberikan ketenangan,” kata Mizz Nina.

Artikel ini disiarkan pada: Khamis, 11 Februari 2016 @ 11:07 AM MyMetro

Putrajaya from above: Ballooning over Malaysia’s most architecturally stunning city

(CNN) — As the ground grows distant, its small details are no longer visible and the earth begins to resemble an abstract painting. Swathes of green forest are flanked by the curved navy lines of a river, while cutting-edge architecture is reduced to miniature art, its bold patterns contrasting with the subtler designs of nature.

Floating high above Malaysia‘s administrative capital, Putrajaya, these beguiling sights have silenced the five occupants of our hot air balloon, a quiet broken only by the occasional roar of its fire release.

“I just love the peace up here,” says our pilot, Jonas Van Doorsselaere, a 30-year-old Belgian and co-founder of My Balloon Adventure, the first company in Malaysia to offer certified commercial hot air balloon rides.

“Put me in the air and I’m very happy,” he says. The stability of the basket coupled with its silent, smooth movement through the air has a swift calming effect. The basket doesn’t shake or tilt whatsoever, making it feel reassuringly safe. It’s also a great comfort to know the person piloting the balloon is an accomplished pilot. Doorsselaere’s life rotates around ballooning. For half the year he resides in Belgium where he operates a separate ballooning company.When the weather becomes less favorable for ballooning in Europe he heads down to Malaysia. Doorsselaere hopes that ballooning will become a popular activity for travelers to Kuala Lumpur, which received about 12 million tourists in 2016.But very few of those tourists visit Putrajaya, despite seeing it out their window as they travel on the highway from Kuala Lumpur International Airport.

Malaysia’s administrative capital

Putrajaya took over as the country’s political hub from Kuala Lumpur in 1997 and is, to a large extent, a purpose-built capital city.Its greatest appeal is its impressive architecture. The striking Seri Wawasan and Seri Saujana bridges span Putrajaya Lake, beside which are the towering Millennium Monument, and Islamic architectural gems like Istana Darul Ehsan, Perdana Putra, Putra Mosque and Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque. Capturing these structures from the air is a wonderful experience for photographers, whether amateur or professional, and is the highlight of the balloon rides.

Putrajaya’s remarkable beauty from above is one of the reasons it was chosen as the location for Malaysia’s first annual balloon festival. According to Doorsselaere, the Putrajaya International Hot Air Balloon Fiesta, which started in 2009, was created with the help of Malaysia’s first hot air balloonist, the late Captain Khairudin Abdul Rani.Capt. Khairudin’s daughters, Atiqah Khairudin and Izzati Khairudin, are part of the My Balloon Adventure team, along with fellow balloonists Sobri Saad and Filip Audenaert. The company has been offering flights over Putrajaya for three years now and plans to expand their services to other locations in Malaysia. Like the Khairudin family, Doorsselaere has a lifelong passion for ballooning, which is very popular in his home country. He was only 16 years old when he earned his balloon pilot license and two years later he was flying commercially. Even after an estimated 1,000 flights, he says his job never gets tiresome. “Every flight is different,” says Doorsselaere. “Every day we meet new people from all over the world with interesting stories. For most people it’s their first balloon experience. It gives me a great feeling to see them smiling and enjoying their experience like I did with my first ride.”

Full article: CNN Travel

Hot Air Balloon Rides in Malaysia

As new hobby, sport and tourism attraction, Hot Air Balloon Rides in Malaysia is now one of the things you can do in Putrajaya and no, I am not talking about the yearly Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta but about the daily flights done here now. A new company called MyBalloon Adventure has launched their commercial hot air balloon rides in Putrajaya in 2016 and having experienced this first hand, I have to say that this is one incredible experience, especially if you have never flown on a hot air balloon.

This adventure is very much suitable for just about anyone, meaning young kids are able to go for this experience. In general, it is also a great tourism tool for any visitors to Malaysia, or even for those wanting to do a unique wedding proposal, honeymoon, birthday or anniversary present. Currently, you can only do this in Putrajaya, Malaysia.

Immediately after take off, this is the amazing view you get from the hot air balloon ride
Balloon over Balloon in Putrajaya – Here, you see the static tethered balloon below

Hot Air Balloon Ride in Putrajaya

Many pass judgement on the price of this ride trying to compare the Cappadocia Balloon rides, but speaking the the captain Mr Filip Audenaert, he told me that he has been flying all over the world and Putrajaya gives passengers an entirely different experience overall, including the pilot too.

The other hot air balloon rides take you through natural landscapes in the open country, but for the hot air balloon rides in Malaysia, you actually fly through a city, passing skyscrapers, rivers, condominiums and homes and this is a more difficult scenario compared to flying out in the open. So this has been a challenge to the pilots which are now accustomed to the route. 

In total, the entire process of this ride will take you about four to five hours, from the time you arrive and depart.

Balloon Captain Filip Audenaert explains the experience during our flight over Putrajaya

What is Included in the Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Ride?

In your hot air balloon ride package, you will have a light breakfast before departing, drinks along the way, refreshments and some really cold towels when you land and to complete the journey, a full serviced buffet breakfast at the Cyberview Lodge in Purajaya.

After landing, you will be transported by a tour van from the landing spot to the buffet and back to your car. The tour does not include pick up from your hotel in Kuala Lumpur, but it could be arranged if you contacted the organisers before your flight. The standard practise is for guests to make their way to the hot air balloon departure area and park there as there are designated parking lots here.

Hot air balloon floats over Cyberjaya
After landing, refreshments, cold towels and a surprise awaits passengers

Malaysian Hot Air Balloon Experience

First: You make your booking through the website or simply contact MyBalloon Adventure for your desired date.

Second: Make your way to Precinct Two of Putrajaya, near the Millennium Tower, the open area where they usually have the Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta. There is a parking lot at the back area. You will be told to arrive here by 6.45 am, therefore it is advised to leave KL or PJ at about 5.45-6.00 am.

Third: A light gourmet breakfast is served while they set up the hot air balloon and you can walk around to check out how they inflate the balloon. This is then followed by a briefing done by the balloon pilot before you board the basket for your flight.

Fourth: Enjoy the ride as the balloon takes off and flies past the many interesting buildings and structures underneath you. One of the best views is the sun rising over Putrajaya from the back of you, so keep a look out for that. You can also wave to the people from the high rise condominiums as you pass by.

Fifth: Landing is usually done at an open field where you will be reminded to bend your knees. After a smooth landing, you exit the basket and will be asked if you would like to participate in assisting to pack the hot air balloon. Finally, a cold towel and cold refreshments are served before you get whisked away to your buffet breakfast at the Cyberview Lodge in Cyberjaya.

The team behind My Balloon Adventure
The Willy Hot Air Balloon flying over one the highways of Putrajaya

MyBalloon Adventure Contact
Phone: +(60) 12 365 0380
Price Per Person: RM 850.00 (about US$200.00)
Total Time Required: 4-5 hours, done by lunch time

Once again, a huge thank you goes to Atiqah and Izzati of Myballoon Adventure in making this unique experience possible for me to share with the world. I have flown in a various types of planes, helicopters and now, this is my first time flying in a hot air balloon. For the record, this flight experience was introduce in November 2015 and now in January 2016, the company is aggressively promoting this as one of the things to do for Visit Malaysia 2016.

For more Malaysia hot air balloon photos, please take a look at the Malaysia Asia Facebook Page as I have uploaded all the photos there, some with other information. You can also follow Malaysia Asia on Instagram for travel photographs and updates on my travels.

Silhouette shot of a hot air balloon against the sunrise in Putrajaya

For those reading this, the balloon ride is very safe and even kids can do this. Even disabled people can have the opportunity, just that you need to make special arrangements with Myballoon Adventure for this. Price wise, it may sound a little on the high side, but if you look at the overall value, I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime experience that is worth every penny.

Additionally, for someone who wants to propose to his bride to be, this would be one of the ultimate experiences to do up in the air, and for those wanting to surprise someone for their birthday or anniversary as a present, this is a great opportunity to let them remember for life. Families can also have a group experience up in the air and all this is made possible by Myballoon Adventure, the pioneer company in Malaysia that offers these special rides. Now, hot air balloon rides in Malaysia are no longer a myth as anyone can do it here and not wait for the Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2016. 

Read more:

Daily hot air balloon experience now available for Malaysians

Written by 
Zaidi Azmi

KUALA LUMPUR – February 11, 2016: It is only after almost 300 hundred years since Jean-Francois Pilatre de Rozier and Francois Laurent d’Arlandes manned the first hot air balloon flight in 1723 that we Malaysians can finally enjoy it on a daily basis.

Belated we may have been but as the saying goes, it is better late than never.

Launched by the country’s first commercial hot air balloon company, MyBalloon Adventure, starting up your morning while gliding above Putrajaya is no longer a mere wishful thinking.

Weather permits, the balloon will be fully inflated latest by 6a.m and passengers will be nested in a large wicker baskets, claimed to better than any first-class cabin seats.

“Don’t worry,” said Captain Filip Audenaert, “The weather is beautiful, calm and you are in safe hands,” as he reassured passengers who rode the hot air balloon during the company’s launching yesterday.

The pilots will constantly radio air traffic controllers from the Department of Civil Aviation (DCA) before every single takes off to ensure that the department is aware of their presence in the sky.

“Hot air balloon number 1 – Oscar, Oscar, Bravo, November, Whisky – are ready to take off from Putrajaya on a forty-five minute to one hour flight,” radioed Captain Filip.

So, for those whose coffees have grown stale and tired of the usual route taken during their morning jog, gliding on a hot air balloon as sunrise peered over the horizon might not seem like a bad idea to spice-up your morning.

MyBalloon Adventure is the only company in Malaysia to have received an ‘Air Operating Certificate’ (AOC) from DCA and it is the only active ballooning experience company in the country.

The company offers ballooning experience starting from RM850 per person including a 45 minutes to 1 hour flight, pre-flight refreshments, a delicious breakfast line-up post-flight and a completion certificate.

For those looking to pop up the question to a loved one up in the sky or raise a toast with colleagues in mid-air, MyBalloon Adventure can make it happen.

For more information visit

Hop on a hot air balloon ride in Malaysia for an affordable, scenic adventure

Shahirah Hamid Yahoo Lifestyle Singapore 16 March 2017

While we all know that hot air balloon rides are popular in destinations such as Turkey, Dubai and in nearer countries such as Australia and Myanmar, very few Singaporeans know about the ones available just across the border.

Malaysia’s first commercial hot air balloon rides company, My Balloon Adventure, offers picturesque 45-minute journeys across the country’s administrative and tech capitals, Putrajaya and Cyberjaya, respectively. Their basic package, which includes pre-flight refreshments and a breakfast spread, is priced from RM$850 (S$270).

My Balloon Adventure is run by sisters Izzati and Atiqah Khairudin.

“If you look at hot air balloon prices in other countries, we are quite reasonable. Most would do their own research, and they find that [in] places like Bagan, Myanmar, the hot air balloon packages are about US$300 (S$420); or in Cappadocia, Turkey, it’s about the same or maybe slightly cheaper,” said Izzati.

She added, “However, theirs are not as intimate as ours. We still want to have that intimacy between the pilot and the passengers. At the end of the day, it’s a novelty ride that we take seriously and we want passengers to have that one-on-one communication with the pilot (as well as) the hands-on experience.”

Atiqah (left) and Izzati (right) Khairudin, owners of My Balloon Adventure and its parent company AKA Balloons. (Photo: Shahirah Hamid)
Atiqah (left) and Izzati (right) Khairudin, owners of My Balloon Adventure and its parent company AKA Balloons. (Photo: Shahirah Hamid)

My Balloon Adventure is owned by parent company AKA Balloon, which is a family-owned business launched in 1994. The sisters, who are also well-known in Malaysia for being the country’s first balloonists, took over in 2013 after the sudden demise of their father. AKA Balloon has been the pioneer in commercialising and organising two of Malaysia’s annual hot-air balloon events, namely the My Balloon Fiesta and the Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta.

Izzati, 30, and Atiqah, 28, started My Balloon Adventure in 2015 and currently the duo have set their eyes on expansion to Borneo, once resources allow.

“For international tourists, it’s good value for money for them especially now with the weakening ringgit. Also, there are not a lot of hot air balloon rides available in this region so it is something different,” Izzati said. To date, My Balloon Adventure has flown more than 250 passengers.

Passengers can also expect to fly with experienced hot air balloon pilots, assist the pilots with the packing of the balloon, and walk away with a certificate of flight completion signed by the pilots themselves. According to Izzati, 80 per cent of their passengers are made up of tourists, with 10 per cent of them being Singaporeans.

“For My Balloon Adventure, I think it’s really picking up. Malaysians are not familiar with the pricing of a hot air balloon flight, while for tourists, they are not aware that such attraction is available. But word really got out that hot air balloon ride is available in Malaysia now all year round. Our Tripadvisor reviews are getting stronger as more people are aware of the service we offer,” said Izzati.

Hot air balloon rides in Malaysia via My Balloon Adventure. (Photo: My Balloon Adventure)
Hot air balloon rides in Malaysia via My Balloon Adventure. (Photo: My Balloon Adventure)

Keeping the business aloft

“All of us take turns because flying can be tiring. We wake up at 5am and after every flight, we still have to go back to our office. So, it’s a long day and tiring day for us. Like the end of last year, we were flying so much, non-stop from Christmas to New Year’s Eve, so it’s a good thing we have a pool of pilots we can rotate,” reveals Izzati. Including Izzati and Atiqah, My Balloon Adventure has a total of five balloon pilots.

Currently, My Balloon Adventure has four sets of balloons, which can carry between two and 10 passengers at a time.

My Balloon Adventure operates almost every day except on Wednesday and every first Monday of the month. For customers with special occasions to celebrate, such as a wedding proposal, they can also assist with the arrangements.

View from a hot air balloon ride in Malaysia via My Balloon Adventure. (Photo: My Balloon Adventure)
View from a hot air balloon ride in Malaysia via My Balloon Adventure. (Photo: My Balloon Adventure)

Popular for wedding proposals

Atiqah, who also manages AKA Balloon’s public relations and marketing divisions, has been the go-to person when it comes to wedding proposals. “I have arranged easily three to five proposals every year. Before my customers want to pop the question, my first question to them is ‘how long have you guys been together? Does she know you guys are getting married?’,” said Atiqah.

“The most recent one we had, this guy actually blindfolded his girlfriend and asked her to wear a VR headset so she can’t see or hear where she is. He carried her in the basket and their friends were on the ground and each friend held one letter saying ‘Will you marry me?’. The guy removes her goggles so she could see her friends holding the placards. We were not so high, I think we were at about 100ft. He got on one knee and she said ‘yes’!”

“I think I have arranged too many proposals on the balloon basket,” quips Atiqah.

Best way to conquer your fear of heights

While people’s fear of heights has caused them to shun away from enjoying hot air balloon rides, it’s not the case for passenger and marketing manager Karen Yap. She conquered her fear by going on a hot air balloon ride – twice.

“I’m afraid of heights, but I enjoyed the hot air balloon adventure. I love the scenery and watching the sunrise while looking (at) the horizon. I love every bit of the experience!” said Yap.

“I decided to try it out again and this time, I had to share (the) amazing experience with my cousin, and her fiancé,” explains Yap.

Her cousin, Isabel Lau, also conquered her fear of heights on the ride. When she discovered that no safety gear was provided, she became worried, but ended up enjoying it.

“It was something I have never done before. It was very exciting! The entire trip was pretty smooth. It’s very chill and the weather was perfect too,” said the 29-year-old bride-to-be.

“I wouldn’t mind going on the ride again! I really appreciate what Karen did for both my future husband and I, for treating us to this wonderful opportunity,” she gushed.

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Things To Do In Kuala Lumpur

Go for a HOT AIR BALLOON ride!

If you’re looking to soar high up in the sky but don’t want the hassle of learning how to fly a plane, take a ride in a hot air balloon. MyBalloon Adventure lets you ride a hot air balloon without being tethered to the ground, and a trained pilot will guide the balloon over the Putrajaya landscape and several landmarks such as the Wawasan Bridge, the Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin Mosque, Persiaran Putra and more. Your session will begin just in time to catch the sunrise; and because the balloon flies wherever the wind takes it, everyone has a slightly different experience. The standard package includes pre-flight refreshments, a postflight breakfast and a time-lapse video.

Full Article: TimeOut

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